Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday: 15 months

Isaac turned 15 months a few days ago, but I just got the pictures today...

He's walking all over the place by himself, now, so I thought I'd try a new quilt shot...I like it.

He really likes pushing buttons and got on my lap to push the camera buttons.

And was then so sad when I made him pose again.

Back to being super cute!

Ben and I can tell that he's starting to understand a lot more, although talking is still pretty slow.  He probably has mama, dada, and something for kitty.  He's good at communicating through motions and noises though.  He's also started to fold his hands while we pray, put random objects up to his ear like a phone, and point to various body parts.  The problem is that he likes to point to his hair while he has dirty hands due to eating.

1 comment:

Amy Worrel said...

Of course those dirty hands go to the hair. It's like a magnet. He is super cute! I remember loving Carolyn's 15 months-ish age. All the pointing and noises are VERY effective ways to communicate!