Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday: audiobooks

Usually I watch a show on Netflix while sewing.  I don't always catch everything, and sometimes it slows down the sewing, but on the whole it worked pretty well.  However, I recently finished a series and was having a hard time finding something else to capture my attention (that Ben wouldn't be interested in either).  So I decided to try an audiobook.  I miss having something to look at, but that isn't really a big deal.  I do have to remember to stop it when I do anything on the computer though, as I can't concentrate on both at the same time.


betsy said...

have you watched Downton Abbey yet? i just heard it is now on netflix (at least season 1) so i'm hoping maybe to watch it in FL next week

Zachary and Jennifer said...

I listen to audiobooks at work sometimes. I can follow along when I am doing graphics usually, but if I have to read or write an email, I have to pause it.