Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday: quack

Isaac has a few words right now, although not many.  Mama and Dada come out regularly and they are directed toward Ben and I, but I also feel like the sounds come out during his babbling too.

But the last few days I've recognized a distinct sound that only comes when birds (usually ducks, but not always) are seen.  It sounds like a quack but kind of starts with a b.  But it has that quacking sound to it that you're 'supposed' to use when you say it.

Isaac and I practiced quacking a ton when he was really small and only got a duck as a bathtub toy.  I thought that after quacking that much it should be his first word.  And I was sort of correct.

(Side note: he probably has some other words too, but it sure can be hard to pick them out!  There might be something for cats and balls.)

1 comment:

Steve (Tanilin) said...

Alice does a pretty adorable "Khhheeeee" for kitty -- very guttaral. Also: "dada" means Dad, but "da" means yes.