Tuesday, September 30, 2014


On Sunday Isaac wanted to go on a picnic with Aunt C.  It sounded like a good idea to me, so I had him pack a lunch.

He packed two containers of popcorn, three carrots (he might have done more but I stopped him), three grapes, Cheerios, Crispex, Crasins, 4 hearts and lemon water.

He then had too much fun playing on the playground to eat much. :)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday: 9 weeks/2 months

Joshua is 2 months old!

Let's see...talking - he babbles once in a while, but not really that often.

Sleeping - sometimes he does a good job, getting up three times to feed between midnight and seven and then going right back to sleep.  Sometimes he doesn't do such a good job.  His naps are inconsistant; some days he takes good naps, some days he will only nap in my arms

Attitude - it's pretty easy to get smiles out of him.  Usually I'd say he's a pretty happy baby, although last week was pretty rough.  I'm wondering if he had a growth spurt or it had to do with me being sick.

Favorites - my arms with a pacifier.  It almost always calms him down.  He also likes the play thingy that I put in his crib (that he doesn't sleep in).  He will sometimes be content to look at it for ten minutes before getting cranky.  He likes to get his diaper changed.  The swing isn't too bad.

Dislikes - Sitting.  Both arms in the swaddle when he doesn't want them in.  Being done eating (even though he is the one to decide it is time to be done).  Dad when he wants Mom (sad but true).

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday: surprise!

Brat, as in bratwurst, is spelled b r a t, not b r o t, which is how I always have spelled it. Ben blew my mind when he told me today. I like my way better, but I guess no one is consulting me on the spelling.

Saturday: feeling better

Today I think I can finally say I'm feeling better. I went to bed last night fully expecting to call the doctor first thing in the morning, but the fever broke (again) during the night.

To shake things up a bit Isaac and I put Ben to bed a little before Isaac's bedtime. Isaac asked Ben if he had to go to the bathroom. Then he prayed... "Dear God. Today. Amen." ( we usually start with thank you for today.). When we mentioned it didn't have much content he just said, " short prayer." Guess you can't argue with that. Isaac then turned off the lights and closed the door.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday: still sick


The fever returned yesterday night, but I woke up in sheets that were soaked.  I was hoping that was that.

I felt pretty good all day.  Then, around dinner time, I thought I could skip the Ibprofin.  Wrong.  Fever's back.  How dumb.

Joshua's been especially grumpy today, being very insistent that he needs to nurse more frequently.  I don't know if my milk supply is low or if something else is wrong.  Or if he's just being a normal baby.  There was a fifteen minute stretch today when both boys were inconsolable and I didn't know why.  Isaac doesn't do that to me!  For that matter, Joshua rarely does it either.  Isaac wanted Cheerios, but I couldn't understand him and he wouldn't point.  (I told him no.)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday: still sick

Today was the worst day by far.  I thought I was better at 4am when I fed Joshua, but at 5am I woke up so cold.  So cold that I decided that taking a hot shower was my best option.  In the middle of the night.

The Tylenol that I took at 6am finally kicked in around 7.  I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30.  I still had a low grade fever. The doctor wasn't really sure why I have a fever; the mastitis symptom had all cleared up.  But she put me on an antibiotic.

The Tylenol never quite made it the whole six hours it needed to...so about 40 minutes before I could take the next dose I'd be shivering in bed.  The medicine kicked in pretty well in the afternoon and everyone took good naps.  It did not kick in so well around dinner time and I ended up calling the doctor.  I'm now taking Ibprofin too.  I'm still hot and clammy but don't technically have a fever.

I'm not sure I've ever been taking so many medications at once...six all told.  I should probably write down when I'm should take the next dose so that I don't mess it up.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

still sick

Everyone slept until 8:30 today!  I couldn't believe it; Isaac never sleeps that long.  It took me a while last night to feel better, but by the time we officially woke up (versus the several unofficial wake ups) I was feeling pretty good.

Then we went to the playground.  The weather was perfect.  Warm but not too warm.

About 10 minutes after we got home I had a terrible feeling that my fever was back.  I got some things arranged and then took my temp...yup, 102.4.  Blah.  So Isaac got some extra screen time this afternoon and then Dad came over for a few hours to help out.  And I have a doctor's appointment in the morning.  On the up side, it is nice having a two year old that is willing to help you out.  He even tried to open the medicine bottle for me and wanted to give me the water bottle with the cap off so that I didn't have to do it.