Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday: pajamas and lake

We got some new handme down pajamas for Joshua, and there just happened to be a smaller size of Isaac's favorite pajamas.  So they both wore them last night.

Isaac putting a ball on Joshua's head.

I was having a really hard time getting them to look at me (let alone smile), so I had them look at the fire.  Even that proved a bit difficult.  First Joshua looked right.  Then left.  Then I finally got one of him looking at the fire.

(Side note: Isaac really wanted to wear underwear to bed tonight.  So we're trying it.  He told me he wouldn't have an accident...but he has been staying dry only about 50% of the nights lately.  I'm kind of expecting a 6am wakeup call, but thought I'd see what happens.  Sometimes he surprises me.)

Ben and Isaac also took a walk onto the lake.

See the black speck in the middle of the picture?  That's them.
It's a rather weird feeling to walk onto the lake, even when you know it is well frozen.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday: volume

It was a loud day today.

We went to story time at the library.  There was a new teacher, who was very good, but I missed Miss Mary.

Then we went to a play group.  A lot of fun, but loud.  Seven kids and four adults in a house is bound to be loud.  (As a side note, Isaac said his hand really was excited to go to play group.  I don't understand why his hands have minds of their own.)

We got home and the plow had gone through again.  (Why?  I don't know.  It hasn't snowed since the last time it went through.)  Since we have a big bump at the end of the driveway I took a few minutes to clean it up.  But the sun was out and so the snow "loudly" shone in my eyes.

We had rest time at home.  I got a little nap, but could have used a longer one.  That's usually how it goes though.  And after rest time Isaac was just loud.  He doesn't stop talking or making noise.  And if he does stop Joshua tends to fill in the silence.  By about 5pm my mind shut down...too much noise for the day.

I got to pick up the food for dinner.  All by myself.  It was wonderfully quiet.

I got home to a loud house (thanks to Isaac) but after dinner was feeling a bit more normal.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday: hands

Isaac calls to me from the bathroom, "Can you pull down my pants?"  Surprised, I went over.  "This hand [the right hand] will pull down my pants but this hand [the left hand] doesn't want to."

So obviously, the best solution to this problem was to call me over.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday: ha!

Mid term grades are due tomorrow, so I thought I'd work on them briefly tonight and get them in.  Briefly...ha!  Well, I guess I did work on the grades briefly.  But then I helped the graders catch up on an assignment, answered a bunch of emails, and just generally got caught up.  So now it's way past my bedtime but I don't feel in the right frame of mind to go to bed because I've been doing something different than normal.

P.S. I have lots of good hints for cheating if you really want to do it.  Probably all teachers do.  Not that I condone it, but if you insist on doing it please do it well.

P.P.S. I find condone an odd word as it sound like a negative word but really isn't.  Although I'm not sure I've ever heard of someone condoning something.  People always seem to not condone something.  I'm rambling.  Guess I should go to bed.

P.P.P.S. I won't give you the hints for cheating well.  It'd be cheating.  Hahahahaha.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday: 30 weeks

Joshua is 30 weeks now!  Sitting very well and loving to jump.

I tried to get a picture of the tooth but the cute little tongue kept getting in the way.

We had some interesting "pictures of all of us" today.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday: surprise

This morning Isaac and I were talking about teeth and how Joshua doesn't have any.  (Maybe he had his fingers in his mouth and Isaac thought he was hurting himself?)  Then I realized that this was around the time that Isaac got his first tooth and wondered when Joshua would get his.  He had been pretty out-of-sorts yesterday and had the pacifier in for most of the day, although I hadn't really thought about it much with all the commotion going on.

Surprise!  Joshua already has a tooth.  It's all the way through.  It especially surprised me because Friday and Saturday nights he slept really well.  So either he's had the tooth for a few days or it really just didn't bother him that much.  I'm guessing that the last two days has been the other tooth coming in.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday: kid pictures

My nieces were over for the afternoon.  So I let them use my camera...I wondered if there'd be any interesting pictures.  I should have had the flash on, but was afraid that would have gotten rather annoying.  Here's the best what we ended up with...

Two of us.

Playing baby marbles.

Me.  Isaac is actually getting pretty good at taking pictures.

Isaac hiding.

Artistic shot of baby marbles.

More baby marbles.

Isaac's legs.  He looks tall.

Ben reading a book to all the kids.

Isaac and Joshua

Setting up a train track.

Joshua looking silly

Holding Joshua.  It's a favorite activity.