Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday: volume

It was a loud day today.

We went to story time at the library.  There was a new teacher, who was very good, but I missed Miss Mary.

Then we went to a play group.  A lot of fun, but loud.  Seven kids and four adults in a house is bound to be loud.  (As a side note, Isaac said his hand really was excited to go to play group.  I don't understand why his hands have minds of their own.)

We got home and the plow had gone through again.  (Why?  I don't know.  It hasn't snowed since the last time it went through.)  Since we have a big bump at the end of the driveway I took a few minutes to clean it up.  But the sun was out and so the snow "loudly" shone in my eyes.

We had rest time at home.  I got a little nap, but could have used a longer one.  That's usually how it goes though.  And after rest time Isaac was just loud.  He doesn't stop talking or making noise.  And if he does stop Joshua tends to fill in the silence.  By about 5pm my mind shut down...too much noise for the day.

I got to pick up the food for dinner.  All by myself.  It was wonderfully quiet.

I got home to a loud house (thanks to Isaac) but after dinner was feeling a bit more normal.

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