Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday: doctor visits

The boys had their well child checkups yesterday.

Isaac is 31 pounds (40%) and 36.5" (~20%).  I'm a little surprised at the percentiles here because I feel as though his pants have been too big for his height, unless there's elastic.  But it's an increase in both percentiles, so he's "catching up" with his peers, although I doubt that he'll ever really catch up.

Joshua is 15lb, 3oz (8%) and 26.5" (8%).  This is very similar to Isaac at this age.  He's still following a proper growth curve though, so all is good.

Everything else looked good.  Joshua has a bit of fluid in his ears from the cold, but no ear infection.  Joshua slept more like normal last night, so I'm hoping he's getting over it.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Glad his sleep improved!