Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday: all's well that end's well??

 It was a busy day.  I made curry in the morning along with trying to get some other important chores done and helping the boys as needed.  I did a little grading, but was hoping that my graders would pull through and finish the grading they said they would.  Cheryl picked the boys up around 2pm and I continued my chores...there were a lot.

I went to run the dishwasher so it'd be done by the time the house cleaners showed up, but none of the buttons would push.  I reset it at the fuse box, which is what it usually needs.  No luck.  I tried a few more things.  Ben tried a few things.  No luck.

I assume that the dishwasher died because we said mean things about it yesterday right in front of it.  And then this morning as I was emptying it I was thinking that maybe it was just time for a new dishwasher.

Well, instead of emptying the dishwasher the housecleaner washed a bunch of dishes by hand.  It was good timing, really.

I was finishing up drying the last of the supper dishes after dinner and accidently hit a button on the dishwasher.  "Beep."  Wait a minute!  I thought it was dead.  It shouldn't be beeping.  Well, all the buttons push now.

This is especially nice because Ben's on a low sodium diet for the next 1.5 weeks and I expect to be cooking more than normal.  Now, if I'm nice to the dishwasher and tell it good things, maybe I won't have to wash all those dishes by hand.  (We still might start looking into a new dishwasher.)

Also, my graders finished up all their work!  I can start putting grades in tomorrow.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Saturday: Happy Anniversary!

Ben and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary having a pretty normal day.

I bought us an air fryer.  It also roasts, bakes, toasts, and dehydrates, so it'll be replacing the current toaster oven.

The picture above makes everything look clean, but the reality is completely different.

However, I did get a ton of grading done today.  If my one TA comes through with her commitment to finish grading, I'm almost done with just a few loose end to tie up and then grades to put in.  She said she would finish by Friday though, so I'll check in with her tomorrow.  After all that is done I can hopefully get back to normal a bit and only have a slightly messy kitchen.  (Is anyone else laughing about that statement?)


 Well, I woke up to more emails from Blogger.

Luckily, they restored the posts that were deleted.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday: a busy day

 It was a busy day.  I started by actually making food for dinner, although that of course got interrupted several times to help the children with stuff.  We also celebrated the cats' 3rd birthday with a Lego cake in the shape of a cat and some treats they didn't eat.  Suddenly it was time for lunch, Isaac had piano lessons, and then it was off to do the "errands".  

One errand involved going to the dojang so the boys could play with the obstacle course.  They played for about three hours!  I got quite a bit of work done during that time, although not as much as I was hoping.  

I just checked my email to find that Blogger decided to delete five of my posts from March due to malware/virus content.  Now, I have the posts sent to my email every post so they're backed up.  But it scares me a bit too.  I looked at one of the back-ups and it was just text.  There were no links, no pictures, etc. that might be suspicious.  Did someone maliciously flag those posts and then somehow Blogger agreed with them?  There is no way to dispute them either.  They're gone.  While the emails were from four hours ago, I'm a little afraid that I'm going to wake-up tomorrow to all my posts being gone, one at a time.  (I have also downloaded an official backup, and do this from time to time, but still...)  It'd also be nice to know exactly what the problem was so that I can avoid it in the future.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday: finished

I finished several things today.

*I finished giving an exam.  There was a computer issue for one student that was annoying, but otherwise it went fine.
*I finished most of my grading for lab.  I just need to wait for two labs from someone who received an extension and for the grader to finish her part to put grades in.

I also didn't finish several things today
*I didn't fold the basket of clean laundry from the last two weeks.
*I didn't finish freezing the chicken, but I did at least start it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday: exam week

It's exam week.  I feel like usually exam week is a little bit easier, but this time it feels a little crazier.  I think in part because there's more grading than last semester and the boys are at home.  

If you ask me what I did this morning, I'm not sure where the time went.  I exercised, had a short on-line meeting, took a shower, did a little grading, and ... I'm not sure what else.  Probably I answered a bunch of questions from the boys.  Oh!  Joshua read me a book and then trapped me.  I still feel like there's at least an hour and a half unaccounted for.  I'm sure I was doing something productive, but still...

Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday: in pictures


Ben was looking especially cute as Isaac was trapping him.

I ended up ordering my tea from Amazon because it was cheaper than the grocery store.  I'm set for quite a while now.

We're still doing karate at home and so I need to improvise a lot with Joshua.  They were crawling under somethings and then jumping over some things.  Joshua apparently really enjoyed the crawling because he wanted a picture.