Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday: all's well that end's well??

 It was a busy day.  I made curry in the morning along with trying to get some other important chores done and helping the boys as needed.  I did a little grading, but was hoping that my graders would pull through and finish the grading they said they would.  Cheryl picked the boys up around 2pm and I continued my chores...there were a lot.

I went to run the dishwasher so it'd be done by the time the house cleaners showed up, but none of the buttons would push.  I reset it at the fuse box, which is what it usually needs.  No luck.  I tried a few more things.  Ben tried a few things.  No luck.

I assume that the dishwasher died because we said mean things about it yesterday right in front of it.  And then this morning as I was emptying it I was thinking that maybe it was just time for a new dishwasher.

Well, instead of emptying the dishwasher the housecleaner washed a bunch of dishes by hand.  It was good timing, really.

I was finishing up drying the last of the supper dishes after dinner and accidently hit a button on the dishwasher.  "Beep."  Wait a minute!  I thought it was dead.  It shouldn't be beeping.  Well, all the buttons push now.

This is especially nice because Ben's on a low sodium diet for the next 1.5 weeks and I expect to be cooking more than normal.  Now, if I'm nice to the dishwasher and tell it good things, maybe I won't have to wash all those dishes by hand.  (We still might start looking into a new dishwasher.)

Also, my graders finished up all their work!  I can start putting grades in tomorrow.

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