Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day weekend

We went camping this weekend at the Conference Grounds.  It was a bit cold, but it didn't rain at all which was nice.  We go with some friends (and some family/friends of them).  It's nice to have some people to do things with, but there aren't many expectations and we can do our own things too.

We got there right around dinner on Friday.  I often try to get there a little earlier, but between the kids being at home and it being cold we waited to leave.  Not much was all that interesting about Friday night, but the kids enjoyed the playground and we had a fire.

Saturday we did the fun run.  It was a bit of a fun walk.  The boys completed the mile in 15 minutes while I showed up a few minutes later.

Afterwards we collected Ben and took a walk to the lake.  There's actually a bit of sand this year, which was nice.  ...not that we played in it though as it was also rather cold.

We went on the wagon ride.

And played mini-golf.  Joshua got his first hole-in-one on hole one.

Ben also participated in a game of dodgeball.  Sadly, the parents lost.

Sunday we did some frisbee golf.  Sometimes the boys were way too silly, sometimes they did a nice job.

A very old frisbee finally hit the dust.  This is rather unimportant, but I did like the juxtaposition of "life is good" on a broken frisbee.

The boys loved the merry-go-round.  I went over a few times to give them pushes and they would just stay on as long as I'd push.

Ben and I enjoyed our books quite a bit too!

Monday we slowly packed up, took a walk, the boys played on the playground, etc.  Nothing very special, but it still took us until about 2:15 to leave!  Packing up doesn't really take that long, but there were assorted talking, reading, and walking breaks.  Many people seemed to leave before lunch this year which was a bit surprising and it felt empty by the time we actually pulled out.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Sounds like you had a good time!