Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday: in pictures

 Ben grilled some steaks for us.  I think it's the first time we've actually grilled steaks, and they were delicious.  At least, they were delicious for the adults.  The kids didn't appreciate their few bites.

All my towels were in the wash.  (It took two days before I realized the dishwasher could at least serve as a drying rack.)  I found an old bib.  It was a bit weird, but worked.

I put the cat box up yesterday and Horizon enjoyed it this morning.  They stopped using it in the middle of the summer last year, so I wasn't sure if they were going to go back in or not.

Ben's "favorite" animal is a penguin, mainly due to a joke one day in the car with the kids.  So whenever I see a penguin book I get it.  This one was especially cute.

Isaac made a stop motion video.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

Great job on the video, Isaac!