Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday: exhausted

I was exhausted today after dinner, so I ended up taking a two hours nap. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday: snow!

So it snowed yesterday. :) It mostly rained, but there was a little snow in there too. The when we woke up, there was snow on the ground!

Work has been ok. Some days have been flying by, others dragging. Not having a largish project to continuously fill my days has been annoying.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday: not much new again

Well, there wasn't much new again today.  I made some apple crisp with the last of the apples.  They were still good, just not very hard and not great for eating alone.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today Ben and I did a lot of errands after church.  I had a 15% off to Kohl's so we both got some new work clothes.  I'm rather sad to be out of juniors and into misses for most of the clothes I've been buying lately, but oh well.  We also got our TV tuner and groceries.  It was a nice day, so we had to rake too, but that didn't take very long.

Saturday: rainy corn maze

Today I went to a corn maze with some ladies from church. The only problem was that it was raining out.  Really rainy.  But besides that it was fun. :)

Here we are afterwards...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday: not much new

Not much is new.  Warcraft has been fun.  My nap was nice.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday: misc

We finished the desks. They are also nice for guests. :D

I finished the Pickwick Papers (finally).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday: colonoscopy

Well, I'm sure everyone will be relieved to know that I have no colon problems. The doctor declared me healthy and told me (well, told Ben actually) to come back in 5 yrs.

Overall, it wasn't really a terrible experience. The two worst things were having to drink a lot of water with medicine in it over a short time and peeling a sticker off of myself from one of the vital sign measurers.

I'm pretty sure that Ben found me rather funny afterwards though. I was holding the pop after stopping by McDonalds he had to keep talking to me telling me to stay awake. My response was that I was awake...I had to hold the pop after all. However, I only remember about half of the trip. Then we got home and it was all I could do to make it to the futon and fall down on it. I also asked if the doctor gave Ben a picture of my colon. I still think that it would be cool...I mean, pregnant women come home with baby pictures and people with broken bones come home with bone pictures, why can't I have a colon picture?

That's all the funny stuff I guess. I proceeded to take a long nap and was more normal when I woke up.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday: pre-colonoscopy and desks

Well, today has been pretty laid back. We got my desk hutch and drawers put together, so that's almost done. Flurry supervised.

I'm also having a colonoscopy tomorrow, so today was my clearish liquid diet day. It turns out that one package of jell-o is more "food" that I expected and chicken broth actually has a lot of flavor. I'm not very hungry right now, but I do feel like eating. Most things sound really good right now. But I guess I can wait until tomorrow.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday: yearly fall meal

Tonight was our once yearly meal of squash and ham. It was delicious.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday: 1.5 desks

We can play footsie now too :D

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We have a tree in the back that seemed to turn bright red overnight, because neither Ben or I remember it being like that yesterday.

We also got the hutch on Ben's desk.  It still needs some doors.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday: desks!

Our desks came in today!  These are the packages (after we inspected suspesious spots for damage.)

Having some of the pieces put together and most of the pieces strewn about:

This is the bottom half complete.  We still need to put the hutch and two drawers together, but since it was usable we decided to stop for the evening.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Well, I had to work for a few hours today.  It wasn't exciting, but it wasn't that bad I guess.  The tree for which I raked leaves yesterday proceeded to dump the same number of leaves as before so you can't even tell that I raked.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday: an almost still life

My camera and I had fun together.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday: horde city raid

Today we raided all four of the horde cities. We killed three of the four bosses, but by the end the horde realized what we were doing and stopped us. It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Update: perfect attendance

I was given an award today for perfect attendance at work in 2007. We also got ice cream sundaes. It was yummy.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008


Work wasn't very exciting today.  Oh well, I guess that happens sometimes.

I think hand-picked apples taste so much better than ones from the store.

We ordered some desks today!  We're excited to get off the card tables and have places to store stuff.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Not much happened today.  We were pretty much able to come home straight after church which was really nice.  I played a lot of WoW and did some chores.  And ate apple stuff. :D

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday: apples

Today we did apple activties with Clay and Jess.  First we went apple picking, then we found some warm donuts and cider, and after dinner we made apple crisp.  It was a lovely evening.

Friday: TV and cold

Tonight we turned the heat on.  I love having the heat on due to the smell and the sound, but do not like the bill.  Maybe it'll get warmer so we can turn it off for a bit again.  

Dusty and Laura came over after dinner tonight and we tried their Digital TV thing with our TV.  It made about three channels come in really well, so I expect we'll get one and put it with the upstairs TV.  While they were doing this and Laura and I and were trying to watch Are You Smarter than a 5th grader.  The guy almost won a million but forgot one is a factor. :(  Good story, I know.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday: VP debate

Hmm, well even though Biden seemed to have some problems with nationality adjectives (I heard Serbs and Bosinacks and Sheas instead of Sheites), I think he won in my opinion.  He answered the questions more directly that Palin who sounded a few times like a goody-two shoes ('I have never changed my mind').  I also remember her saying that she was governer of a major energy producing state just a few more times.

We'll see if I agree with my statement(s) tomorrow. :)  I was only half paying attention so I could be wrong on some of my assesments.

Thursday: nostalgia

I'm experiancing a bit of nostalgia.  I just removed all of the papers I used for research/thesis and am about to recycle them.  I have spent a lot of time with these papers...looking through them to get facts, looking through them to see if they support somthing I want to say, trying to find methods on how to do something, etc.  I kept putting off getting rid of them in case I still needed them, but I think all my excuses are gone and other stuff needs to be stored in the space.  Sigh.

I did keep the "how to read ear notches on pigs" sheet though.  It is just too cute.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday: one less

I received my third Gardasil shot today.  Yay.  They are a bit painful. :(

In other news, I'm glad that we're over hump day.  I just wasn't very excited about going into work this morning.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday: Tang

Even though fake Tang is 50% cheaper than real Tang, DO NOT give in and buy it for spice tea.  It does not taste the same.

(We learned this about 10 years ago, but I was hoping that fake Tang had improved since then.  It hasn't.)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday: Fall

Fall is starting to come to our backyard.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday: the hunter wins!

So after months of hunting Flurry, trying to get a "relaxed" shot, I finally won!  I think that it's in part to a quieter camera.  And probably in part to the computer move.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday: Flurry's happy place

So I haven't put the cat carrier away since the vet because I've been lazy, but it turns out Flurry really likes sitting in there and often goes there of her own free will.
We also moved the computers back upstairs today since the weather is cooling off.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday: happy

I have an amazing and wonderful husband.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thursday – Monday: Las Vegas (extra long)

We left Thursday to go to Las Vegas, meet a friend from WoW, and show his wife that we weren’t imaginary. We made our connecting flight in Detriot (yay) and got there without any significant problems. We ate dinner and by the time I went to bed I had been up for 21 hours…much longer than normal but adrenaline was helping.

Friday Ben and I walked around the gardens before Steven and Jen got up.

For breakfast I had a wonderful small French toast with chocolate and cranberries. Delicious. After a bit of gambling Jen and I went to the spa. It was amazing. They have showers that have four heads…so you never have to be out of the water. I’ve thought for a while that that should be the standard way of showers (although two would probably be ok most of the time). They also had some lovely pools and I got a relaxing massage.

spa link

Our show of the night was Cirque du Soleil: Ka. I loved it. They had this amazing floor that rotated in a half of hemisphere…so it could be a floor, or a wall, or halfway in between. There was also a scene with hand shadow puppets that was really cool and some people costumed as animals that were cute/funny.

Afterwards we went out for a nice dinner. We found out that Steve really loves his meat. I had some colossal shrimp prepared in an excellent way.

Saturday I lost money in the morning before breakfast which was sad. However, breakfast was a buffet and it was very happy. There was so much food and lots of sweet breakfast food.  There was a lack of fresh fruit, but the rest of the options made up for that. We walked around the casinos a bit.

I drank tequila for my once-every-four-years time because maybe my tastes changed. They didn’t. I think everyone enjoyed the looks on my face though.

Ben played some blackjack, and then I took a nap. That evening we went to a Penn and Teller show. Talking afterwards we were able to figure out possibilities as to how they did all the tricks, but some of them alluded us completely and even if we did know their execution was awesome.  We took a quick trip up the Eiffel tower before bed.

Sunday was our friends last day.  We had a not so good brunch at Caesar’s (more expensive and not as many options.) Oh well, the food was still good. We did some more walking around and finally got a picture of all of us together to prove it wasn’t an imaginary trip.

(Glass flowers in a ceiling in the Bellagio)

Ben managed to get tickets for Cirque “O” in the evening. It was good, but I think I enjoyed Ka better. They did have more traditional and cool acrobatics though.

O link

We played some Texas hold em’ before bed. I think that was maybe my favorite gambling of the trip. Maybe because I was actually making money. That does always help.

We got up a half hour early on Monday so we could play some Craps before the flight since that was the only thing that we hadn’t played that we wanted to try. We managed to come out ahead on that too, so it was a good note to end on.

So some overall thoughts:

  1. We came out about even or maybe slightly ahead on money that was gambled. I think Ben was a little ahead and I was a little behind.

  2. Steve and Jen are fun traveling partners. 

  3. It was a lot of fun to go with people who had been to Las Vegas before and knew some of the good places to go/things to do/ or at least sort of knew their way around.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday: AK0! AK0!

So today I did a fit check of something on the aircraft and we found the aircraft came in with something wrong (not really a surprise).  I'm talking to one of the guys who fixes that stuff, and he complains that it is taking forever to get parts.  He tells me to make sure the paperwork says AK0 and not AK1 on it.  Ok, that makes sense to me: 0 must be higher priority than 1.

I'm talking to the people that will help me fill out the paperwork and I say "Can we make sure it is an AK0 instead of an AK1?"  They look at me in amazement and can't believe I know that.  
"Wow, you know that?"
"No, I have no idea what it means." I say. "I'm just repeating what I heard and I need this fixed." :)
So now everytime I go in there I'm going to tell them it is an AK0 priority.

But I also know more now:
AK0 is the highest priority
AK7 is the middle priority
AK1 is the lowest priority.

Make sense?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday: vet

Flurry had to go to the vet today.  She was not happy about it.  The only thing good about the vet is that she doesn't mind the car ride home. :)

Here's a picture from yesterday when I was trying different settings.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday: new camera

Old camera
new camera (much smaller and bluer!)
Ben and me


Friday-Sunday: Lady's retreat

I went on a retreat with ladies from my church this weekend.

Here we are playing ladder golf

Two of our people were on cruches for a bit.  (Jess hurt her ankle playing paint ball)

Heidi and I in the main tent.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday: more basement pics

We got our water softener put in today.  The neighbors up the hill had to replace all of their faucets because of hard water, so we're trying to avoid that.  (Our calcium was 11 ppsomething, which isn't super high but high enough.)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday: work bench

We got the workbench together today!  It looks nice, although it was a pain to put together.

I have one more days worth of work for "my" A&P mechanic to do at work tomorrow.   Everyday I'm been managing to get enough for only the next day.  Not the best system, but it's more-or-less been working so far.  I'm excited about tomorrow because we finally got a part that is rather essential to part of the build, so I'm hoping to get far.  Or at least discover a lot of problems.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday: a good day

Today was a good day.

It started out with working from home in the morning because I was going to get a late start at work. I was eating yogurt for breakfast and Flurry came over (several times) to try and get some. At one point she stood on my shoulder trying to figure out how to get some.

Then I gave blood at work. Thanks to iron-rich vitamins, I didn't have any hemoglobin problems. I felt a bit dizzy at some points, but ended up doing fine.
I went to Bible Study at night. It was our first "real" Bible Study in a while and it was really good. We talked about sin and fears and habits and such and how they all link together. I realized one of my fears is that of being accepted. I'm not really sure why, but it's definitely there. Anyway, afterwards one of the girls asked if I was going to the women's retreat this weekend. I wasn't for a bunch of dumb reasons...basically I didn't get around to signing up. So she had one of the other people call the coordinator to see if there was still room. A lady had dropped out earlier today so there was a (pre-paid!) spot for me! So I came away from the study feeling very accepted and excited about this weekend. The only problem is that it's a women's retreat. I don't really consider myself a woman yet...I do woman things all the time, but am really just an old young adult. Well, maybe I can be both for a weekend.