Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday: Flurry's new food

Flurry used to get this food. I liked it because she seemed to be able to regulate herself on eating it. Once in a while she would eat all of it, but most of the time there was a little bit left the next day, so I knew she wasn't starving and that she was a smart cat and wouldn't get herself fat.

Then Flurry started having some small problems, so the vet recommended hairball control food. She loves this food. She eats her daily allotment within the first hour. She's chewed open the ziplock that we keep some food in twice. She looks at her food bowl with sad eyes whenever we're in the kitchen.

I don't know whether to be happy that we've found a food that she likes or sad because it now takes more work to keep her from overeating.

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