Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday: laughing

Tonight after Isaac's bath Isaac declared "Silly dada"  right out of the blue.  Since Ben was still upstairs, I brought Isaac over to see if we could figure out why Ben was silly.

Ben: Is Mom silly?
Isaac: No
B: Is Isaac silly?
I: No
B: Is Dad silly?
I: Yeah! (Laughter)
Amanda: Who's the silliest?
I: Mama's hair

Ben and I crack up at this, which causes Isaac to do a sort of fake laugh.  So Ben and I laugh harder which causes Isaac to do more fake laughing.  We haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

1 comment:

Amy Worrel said...

Feels good to laugh like that. Carolyn and I had a giggle fest one evening when I was trying to tuck her in. I don't remember what it was now, but that was the first time we had done that and it made me feel like we have a relationship. (Mama's hair would get the silliest vote around here, too.)