Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday: spring break

I'm on Spring Break!

Classes were surprisingly small today.  They tend to be on the small side right before break and so I planned a day that didn't include new material.  I think several students picked up on this and therefore just didn't come.  Oh well, it was a good day for it I guess.

I gave blood afterwards.  I'd like to give more often, but 1) my time without the boys, 2) time I don't have to be getting "real" work done, and 3) times that there is a blood drive rarely overlap.

Joshua was having a hard time getting his pajamas on.  I'm not sure why, since it is something that we both wanted to do.  I'm trying to have him do more of the taking on and off of clothes, so maybe he just was too tired.  My threatened punishment was that I was going to choose his pajamas and would choose the ones he didn't want.  It sort of worked.

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