Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday: firsts

While we don't have many 'firsts' anymore, they still happen.

First of all, the story starts last night around midnight.  I was reading an article about the NYC blackout and how we're not really prepared for a massive power grid problem.  It may have kept me up a little bit last night after watching Jericho years ago.

Fast forward to 2:15am when Joshua woke me up because it was too dark.  There was a power outage.  I thought a bit about how ironic it would be if this was a massive power outage.  My phone still worked so I could easily find out that the blackout was localized to around our lake.  Anyway, after a few more calls from Joshua I put him in our room for the night.

The boys got their first tool bags.

Isaac took his first drink from a metal can.  I feel like this is something that he should have done by now, but I guess it's not bad that he hasn't.  He thought the can felt really weird.

We played Isaac's new games.  Isaac did a great job with both of them, but Joshua played Ingenious too and did a good job.  He has basic strategy down (group colors, play the color that's the lowest) so it was fun to play with everyone.

The boys also used their tools.  We were very careful when Ben came home to make sure he didn't trip over it.  The cats enjoyed it too.

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