Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wednesday: Dutch Village

Today we went to Dutch Village.  I almost decided to do something else, but the weather looked perfect and we don't have that many completely free days any more.  (We have days that are a lot free, but not completely.)  Anyway, it was a lovely day and an excellent choice.

But first...the boys were super excited to have found Horizon in a new spot this morning.

I took way too many pictures today.  We mainly went on the rides.  The boys also did a lot of duck pumping and some jumping things.

Ferris Wheel

Pumping ducks.  Isaac really liked these.


Carasole.  Joshua rode this several times (although to be fair, we rode all of them several times), but changed each time to get the horse with the most gems.

Pumping trains.  This didn't go too badly this year.  We've skipped it in the past because you need a bit of power.  Joshua mainly got through it, although was helped with some bumps from Isaac.

I'm not sure why the word "Bears" is on this sign, but it seemed appropriate since we were by Bear Castle.

We left for lunch/rest time/screen time as it was getting busy and then returned later in the afternoon as it was getting not so busy again.  I had been planning to do this to skip the heat of the day, but it never got all the hot out today.

These are the jumping things I mentioned above.  I don't remember seeing them in the past, but the boys loved them.  They had a hard time staying on them at first and fell off so much, but they laughed the whole time.  I made them take baths right away when we got home, mainly because of these.

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