Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday: grinch

This morning we got a text from Evelyn and JJ, showing us their cool Lego creations and wanting to know what we were working on.  Joshua didn't want to show what he was working on that minute, but instead showed the robot that he and Ben have been working on.  Joshua did the head, hands, feet, and wings (all by himself) and Ben connected everything together.  (Isaac made a long video, detailing every aspect of the things he was making.  I stopped it after 45 sec, but Isaac wasn't done.  So I just held up the phone like I was videoing.)

In the afternoon Ben took the boys to Barnes and Noble to make a Snitch.  (Or as Joshua calls it, a Grinch.)  It was an easy build for them and they had no problems, but it was a fun little surprise.

Isaac played Dominion for the first time on vacation and loved it.  He wanted to play again tonight.  Luckily the table had been cleaned up today in our "clean the house" effort.  Joshua was on my team and did a good job getting the new cards every hand and saying, "We have a moat!" to the six or so spies that Isaac accumulated.

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