Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday: in pictures

I tried to microwave the milk this morning.  I caught myself as it didn't fit.

While I was making breakfast Joshua gave me a three minute explanation about how his toy medal works.  It has a safety snap on the cord, which made the explanation take an extra two minutes.  Tornado blocked Joshua from getting to his breakfast.  Joshua's grunts didn't persuade Tornado to move out of the way.

Dad stopped by to help with a home fix-it project.  It only took two minutes, which was about 58 minutes less than I was expecting.  So we had some spice tea.

I helped out at Isaac's Thanksgiving Feast.  This year he was an Indian.  The students were much calmer than I was expecting.

We watched Frozen 2 with Ben's family.  It was good.  There were several very funny parts.  Earlier in the day Joshua and I were talking about it and he said his favorite character from the first one was the bad snowman.  (Whose name, I just learned, is Marshmellow.)  For Frozen 2 it is the big rock guys.  Normal Joshua...he does like his bad guys.

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