Friday, November 15, 2019

Thursday and Friday: conferences

This week we had conferences for Isaac and Joshua.

Joshua's was last night.  It was the first conference we've ever had for him, so I was interested in how it would go.  In the end, about as expected.  He's surpassing all the 'necessary' requirements in regards to letters and numbers, but still has quite a bit of learning to do with them.  His pencil grip needs to get stronger, although that assessment was from the beginning of the year and I can already tell that it's better.  He loves all the science things.  He interacts well with the other students, although sometimes stands on the sidelines when not required to do something.

Isaac's was today.  Again, no issues.  He's getting his work done on time this year, so that's an improvement over last year.  He is often the last person to finish, but he finishes.  His teacher loves his sense of humor.  He got all the points on the last math test and it was a hard one.  He is implementing the concepts that they're talking about in writing, even though it isn't his favorite subject.  We talked a bit about the social side of things.  There's still not one really good friend, but we also don't see anything alarming.  He sometimes plays with people at recess.  He interacts well during group work and people talk with him/he talks with people.

In other news, Joshua was in my office for a while today.  Oh, he made such the drawing!  It has people and chains, dinosaur prints, prints with lots of toes (some up to 15!), a ghost, and a mummy.

well, I had a few pictures for today but they're not uploading.  Maybe tomorrow.

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