Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday: fridge and green belts

I ordered a new refrigerator today.  It's going to take over two weeks to get here though. :(  It's probably because white isn't as popular of a color any more.  I really liked the black stainless color too, but that cost even more than the white (which was already more than the stainless).  Oh least it's ordered.

Isaac and I were promoted to green belts in karate today.  This means that we're officially considered 'advanced belts'.  I'm not sure that if it really means anything else...will training be more rigorous?  More exacting?  I guess we'll find out.  There was a bit of that today, but nothing too bad.  We still aren't quite half way to black belt.  Which is fine by me!  The black belt test looks scary so if it takes us a while to get there I'm fine with that.  Isaac needs some time to grow into his coordination too.

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