Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday: Pokeball

This morning, as with most mornings, the boys were playing in the basement before school.  It was time to go, so I called them up.  Neither of them like turning off the lights, so they go pretty quickly.  This morning Joshua was the last one, and so had to turn off the lights.  He is allowed to turn off the basement lights and turn on the hallway light, so I don't really know what the big deal is.  Anyway, I started telling both of them that if this is how they are going to act I might not let them play down there in the morning.

Joshua proceeded to cover his ears and say, "I'm not listening!"  I proceeded to tell him to grab Pokeball, who hadn't made it all the way into Joshua's backpack.  (It's Joshua's responsibility to make sure he's there.)  I tried again.  Joshua just pushed his feet in his shoes, grabbed his coat, and went outside.  Hmm.  I stuck Pokeball in my coat.

We got to school and Joshua realized he didn't have Pokeball.  Immediate tears.  We had a bit of a talk about how it's usually a good idea to listen to Mom before Pokeball came out and the tears stopped.

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