Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Wednesday: in pictures, again

 Joshua looks like he's holding ice, but they're just ice colored Legos.  He was not impressed by the Advent door he opened.  I think he's going to be underwhelmed with most of the doors.

Isaac, however, was excited and made a little sculpture.

The Christmas decor seems to have gotten a little out of hand this year,'s also rather fun.

Here's the 3rd grade science question that stumped the whole family: should the tiger or banana tree have a woodlands forest habitat?  (Vs a tropical rainforest habitat.)  I looked it up on-line...the tiger had multiple habitats, but woodland forest wasn't one of them and rain forest specifically was.  The banana tree didn't have to be in a rain forest, but did need a lot of rain.  We ended up asking the teacher.  She said the tiger could be in the woodland forest.  (I was underwhelmed with this assignment as a whole.  I know, trust me I know, it's hard to have every assignment be a good one.  This one gave a two random facts about an organism and then you were supposed to place it in it's habitat.  But the facts didn't always line up with helping the student figure out the habitat.)

Isaac lost a tooth!  He lost it during rest time, dealt with it, and then forgot to tell me for about five hours.  Luckily he told me in time for the tooth fairy to still show up.

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