Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wednesday: snow, Christmas, and Birthday oh my!

 We got a little bit of snow before some rain this morning.  I shoveled some of the driveway and mentioned to the boys that it was good snowman snow.  Isaac was out immediately, because he was prepared for this!

He had made all the snowman accessories out of Legos ahead of time and was itching to actually use them!

A little bit later there was a science program that involved making some snow.  We saw Evelyn and JJ on too, which was a happy surprise!

After the show the kids continued to play with baking soda and vinegar, making a small mess.  I drew the line when they asked if they could use all my vinegar though.

While they were doing that, I kicked the cats off my puzzle and finished it.  Horizon has been rather unhappy with the puzzle, so it's had to be covered up a lot. :(  I might do one more puzzle before the table gets too messy again though.

Dad and Pat came over for a Christmas celebration and to watch us open presents.

It's also Isaac's 9th birthday today!  We didn't do much, although he had a few presents to open and we sang Happy Birthday to him.


Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday - a day late - to Isaac!

Love the puzzle too!

Heather D. said...

Tell Isaac that Eva's impressed with his Lego snowman accessories! A belated Happy Birthday to him, too!!!