Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday: half fail, half win

We failed half the day.  Ben's (work) car had a dead battery.  Ben had a not fun appointment.  The babysitter was late.  (Although she did notify me and she must have scrambled to only be here 10 minutes late.)  I made it on time to class, but it took a few minutes to get everything set up.  Not really a problem, but a bit flustering. I had a student meeting and he showed up about 30 seconds before I was going to leave.

On the other hand, it was a snow day.  The boys made a barricade while I was teaching, but thankfully Carly made them take it down.  One of the chores was to shovel the end of the driveway if the plow came through, and it did.  The end of the driveway was just being finished as I came home.  Ben had a good appointment this evening.

I also figured out how to take a video of my phone screen.  (It's super easy.)  Photos is always making these nice collections of photos, but there's no way to save them anymore.  It's not quite as nice as just being able to save it, but not too bad.

1 comment:

The Accidental Boilermaker said...

We had car issues too! A nail in a tire on the Mazda and the Toyota almost didnt start this morning for me to get the kids to their well child appts.