Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday: a reason

This evening Joshua was working on his homework and messed it up just a bit.  I told him to erase it and do his best work.  Oh my, that was apparently the wrong thing to say!  He continued working on it, while crying and not talking to us.  He was almost done when I had him stop for to brush his teeth.  (He was running late and it was almost time for bedtime.)  I told him he could do it in the morning, but he was having none of that.

Fast forward to after Ben read the books.  He came downstairs to me to finish up the one question on his homework and we naturally started talking about what happened.  It turned out that Joshua's teacher had made him erase two lines of writing today because he had done it upside-down on the paper and he was rather upset about it.  So when I told him to erase some work he just couldn't quite handle it.  

Everything clicked in place for me too.  Context is helpful.

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