Monday, October 24, 2022

Monday: O:CtH - bathroom

Today as part of Operation: Clean the House I worked on the area that contains the toilet in the master bathroom.  I've been looking at this area for a while, knowing that the window behind the blinds was going to be yucky.  It was yuckier than I thought.  Guess I should clean it more than once every ten years, but we never have a reason to lift those blinds and forget about it.

But!  Now the window is clean, the walls are wiped down, and some of the tricky places to clean on the toilet are all set.  There's still one place on the toilet that I'd like to get a little better, but need to think about different cleaning implements.

After rock climbing the weather was still wonderful and a bunch of leaves had fallen over night so the kids played in the yard for a while.  They made a leaf wall in order to hide from Ben.  It wasn't really all that tall, so I wasn't sure it was going to work...but it did!  I helped Ben find them after a few minutes or it would have taken forever.

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