Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday: meat

Today I did a bulk buy of chicken strips through Zaycon.  I've slowly been hearing their name more and more...so I finally decided to try some.

I was happy with the service.  Pick up was at a kind of weird time (4-5pm), but it also only took about one minute.  It did feel a bit sketchy though, going up to a white truck in the middle of the parking lot with no other cars around.  But since they were half the price of normal strips and tasted good, I expect we'll be getting more in the future.

(Here's the referral link if you're interested.)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday: pacifier and towel water

I put a happy Joshua into the exersaucer this morning.  He was playing contentedly, and when I looked back a few minutes later he had a pacifier in his mouth.  Surprise!  He had managed to get it from the exersaucer to his mouth and I was rather proud of him.  He was also looking rather cute today, but the picture doesn't do a great job of showing that.

This morning Isaac also came into the bathroom and announced "Towel water helps me not be sick."  Hmm...I must have heard that wrong.  Bottled water?  Tap water?  Lemon water?  He runs to get it.  Yup, I heard correctly.  Towel water.

Do you see the towel?  It's that white rectangle on the water bottle.  The other side is called mountain water.  (At least it's not water rung from a towel.  That was passing through my head and I was a bit scared.)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday: roll over

Joshua rolled over (from back to front) for the first time today!  He did it during Bible Study after chasing an orange ring all over the floor.  He was on the move for someone that could only wiggle and finally managed to get all the way over.  (Clay and Jess, I fondly remembered another Bible Study when Hugh rolled for the first time too. :D)

This evening Ben and I were talking about what to watch with dinner next.  Over the last few days we've tried Modern Marvels, a making Fish Tanks, and some internet ones.  As we were discussing, Isaac piped up with his opinion..."I like Marble Marbles."  Although it took us a bit to figure out that he was say Modern Marvels, we laughed.  At this point I think he just likes it because it has the word Marbles in it...or something like that.

Then he proceeded to play a squirt gun game for the next...45 or so minutes.  Usually the game is get something wet, get it dry.  We added several elements over 45 minutes though.  I had my own squirters to get him back.  His drier kept breaking and he had to go to Ben for new ones.  Ben charged him money for the new ones.  He had to bring dishes to the kitchen to earn more money.  It was a bit boring, really, but kept him entertained and laughing and I was able to get some work done.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday: tired

Something was wrong with Joshua last night.  We ended up sleeping on the couch.  I tried to put him down after an hour or so because my neck was sore, but ended up back on the couch with him.  The second time was more comfortable.  He ended up being out of sorts all morning and sleeping with me again during nap time.  We'll see how tonight goes.

I realized that when I'm tired the control on my eating flies out the window.  I'm hungry all the time.  Everything sounds good.  It's a bit of a problem.

In other news, Isaac had a Dad day.  I tried to get him cook with me, but all he really wanted to do was hang out with Dad.  I've mentioned once or twice that Isaac calls Ben "Dag" and often mentions that he's "ogre" (older).  Imagine our surprise when we found this in Warcraft.

It's Dag the ogre!  I smile every time.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday: "He likes me!"

Joshua and I went in to wake Isaac up from his nap.  Joshua started smiling and cooing right at Isaac and Isaac ate it up.  "He likes me!"  "He should sit with me on the couch!"  So I got some pictures.

(Side note 1: Yes, Isaac's pants are too short.  I think he recently had a growth spurt, because the pants that were on the edge are now too short and are slowly being culled from the closet.  I just went and bought some 3T pants.  They're a bit long, but not too much.

Side note 2: I think that Isaac enjoys putting his pants on backwards.  This doesn't help at all with how well the pants fit.)

Isaac really wanted Joshua to watch Mickey Mouse Road Rally with him.  I thought about it a bit, and decided it would be ok for a few minutes.  I got some good work done in those ten minutes too!  (Side note 3: Ben pointed out the other day that Mickey and Minnie's ears always point in the same direction...they rotate around the head as the mice move.  It's kind of weird now that I'm aware of it.)

Lastly, Isaac's tray table arrived in the mail today.  I've been transitioning Isaac to a chair for a few months now, but a high chair has been nicest for dinner still.  But since Joshua will be needing it in a week (a week!) we needed a new solution.
In this picture you can see Isaac on a carpet square.  Ideally he will have to stay on the carpet square until he's done.  You can also see a tiger eating cheese and an airplane (the green duplo).  After the picture was taken there was a big party with all the animals and people and they all ate cheese, except for the horse who ate lettuce.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday: naps

As I put Isaac down for rest time, I said something along the lines of, "Can you please take a nap?  Or at least be quiet?  I am sick and really need a nap."  (About an hour after the day had started I was ready for a nap.)

It worked.  Everyone slept for three hours.  Three hours!  At the same time!

After Isaac woke up he asked me, "Are you feeling better now?"

It pulled on my heartstrings.  And I was happily able to answer, "Yes.  Much better."