Sleeping: Joshua is sleeping from 8pm until 5am(ish) when he eats and then goes back to sleep for about two hours. He usually still takes a morning nap, but it is often pretty short. He takes an afternoon nap for at least 1.5 hours, sometimes longer.
Talking: He has a few words, notably "dada", "mama", and "hi". There have been a few times where I've asked him what my name is and he'll say "mama." He waves a lot.
Eating: Eating has gotten a bit less stressful since he now eats pretty much what we're eating. He has all four molars, although I'm not sure if they're in all the way. He loves bread products, eats meat easily, and likes many fruits. I'm having a harder time with vegetables. He is now drinking from a sippy cup. We are still nursing often, but I'm not pumping.
Attitude: Still pretty happy, although he's had several clingy days. Possibly due to the teeth. He is often serious, although laughs regularly. He is very content to play by himself.
Moving: He is still scooting. He can stand on his own for up to about thirty seconds. We have started to get the walker out and it works ok...not great yet. Today he did make it all the way across the short dimension of the room though.
Isaac has turned 44 months.
Sleeping: he still naps sometimes. We're finding that when he naps it takes him forever to fall asleep, but if he doesn't nap he gets cranky. He goes to bed at 8ish and usually falls asleep by 9pm. He is awake around 7am.
Eating: Still pretty good at eating, although slow. He likes some vegetables and tolerates others. Besides that it is rather hit-or-miss as to whether he'll eat something. Unless it is a treat. He loves his treats.
Attitude: Isaac is still super silly and laughs at anything. He has been having some trouble listening lately, but at the same time we've noticed him being extra helpful the last few days. He's taken care of things without being asked.
Learning: He can count up to 11 and then skips around with all the teen numbers. He can recognize A-Z and 0-9. (Ok, he's been able to do that for a while.) He can spell his name but sometimes has a hard time remembering the S. He knows it's there, but can't remember what it is. He likes to read, but I've noticed that some days he wants to read all the time and other days he doesn't. We don't have many in-the-middle days.
Fun: He still likes to run around and play with asssorted toys. Duplos often, although with summer we haven't done as much. Playdoh comes out on a regular basis. He loves to go out. If we only have one errand to do he sometimes gets a bit sad. He loves Giraffe the Giraffe and Isaac the Monkey. He has a wild imagination and it usually involves feeding someone something.