Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday: productive

I felt like it was a fairly productive day today, for once.  Maybe because of a new plan...

Last week I got so sick of waiting an hour for Isaac to get dressed.  Seriously.  I know I could go in there and help, but that isn't what I want to do.  And I couldn't threaten to not go out, because they weren't places that he really wanted to go.  So today he woke up and came to get me out of bed and I told him to go get dressed.  Joshua also slept in, and I got to sleep until about 7:45.  Wow!  It's been a while since I was able to sleep that long.  And Isaac was dressed by the end.  Bonus.

So then I didn't take a nap.  (A good thing, because it would have been a frustrating nap.)  I got some stuff taken care of that's been on the to-do list for a while.

Ben and I had a session with a trainer at the gym.  We realized that it would be good for us and I, at least, had no idea how to even start strength training.  It is such an odd feeling to be so tired after doing what feels like nothing.  We're not running.  We're barely walking.  And we are exhausted.

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