Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday: progession

Today I noticed that Joshua was doing several new(ish) things.

*He still has been standing.  There are a few times he'll stand for many seconds.

*He'll repeat "mama" to me.  So I asked him, "Do you like dada or mama better?"  No response.  A few hours later he clearly said, "I like dad better."  Hmm.

*We're not going to have any more night feedings.  (I.e., no feeding before bed).  Last night he was surprisingly understanding.  He cried a few times, but went back to sleep.  We'll see how tonight goes.


betsy said...

Standing?!!! Look out world! ;)

betsy said...

Sleeping without feeding go OK the next two nights?

betsy said...

Sleeping without feeding go OK the next two nights?

betsy said...

Standing?!!! Look out world! ;)