Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday: busy day

Today was a busy day!

It started with a mastitis follow-up.  Nothing unexpected there.  If it happens again I can request that they don't give me the antibiotic that is normally given first since it now hasn't worked two times.

Then we popped over to the daycare to officially register.  I think they're going to put Isaac in the preschool class.  They said the population has had a slight shift towards the younger kids, so everyone has been moved up a bit earlier than normal.  So the preschool class will be a young class and he'll know many of the kids in it.  (It was that or he would be the oldest of the kids in his other class, which isn't always fun either.)

A quick pop over to Meijer for bread, blueberries, and a different style sippy cup.  I bought two loaves last Monday and by Friday they were completely unusable.  It surprised and annoyed me.  Joshua needs to learn to drink from a sippy cup.  End of story.

Then to the gym were I had a meeting with an athletic trainer.  We found out that my right ankle is ...I'm not sure what the right word is...tight.  It doesn't bend as much, which sometimes makes my hips tilt.  We also went through some strength exercises to do.

Phew!  Four stops in the morning...I usually try to limit it to two, maybe three.

Then this afternoon I got sick of Isaac still trying to eat his hair and we went to the barbershop.  (They had an online was awesome!)

The before picture (although without the curls).  The online check in was nice, but we still had to wait a bit.  Probably for the best, so we could talk about what to expect.

During the cut.  Isaac stayed nice and still.

Afterwards.  Quite short (the setting was a six.  I'm hoping it was short enough.)  It makes him look so grown up.  (And like a small Jacob.)

We went to "close beach" in the evening.

Here's hoping that it helps with the hair pulling!!


betsy said...

So nice he'll know some kids in his class! The hair cut looks awesome on him! So grown up! Did your bread go moldy? I've been having a lot of trouble with that lately. Not sure if it's the weather or their bread.

betsy said...

So nice he'll know some kids in his class! The hair cut looks awesome on him! So grown up! Did your bread go moldy? I've been having a lot of trouble with that lately. Not sure if it's the weather or their bread.

The Accidental Boilermaker said...

Evelyn never really seemed to like drinking from a sippy cup but did great drinking from a straw. Only problem is it's not quite as spill proof.