Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday: today

Well, let's start with last night.  I rocked Isaac to sleep while reading Anne of Green Gables, because I recently decided it was time to read it again.  He finally got to sleep around 11:30 and fine the rest of the night.

Today we did some errands and then went to the playground.  Isaac led everyone on a merry game of "going to the party!"  We got black balloons.  We got tickets.  We threw the tickets.  But we never actually got to the party.

This afternoon I decided that the house set-up wasn't working for us.  Joshua loves many of the toys in Isaac's room.  And frankly, many of the toys are more appropriate for Joshua anyway.  Isaac hates having Joshua in his room.  You see the problem.  Ben and I emailed once or twice and decided to convert the guest room into a temporary playroom.  At least until Joshua can do steps.  We swung the bed around 90 degrees to give more room.  If there are two guests one guest will have a tight trip to get to their side of the bed, but it is possible.  We're moving Isaac's current shelves into the the toy room and the dresser that is in the toy room into Isaac's room.  The duplo table will be moving too, at least while there are no guests staying with us.  We'll see how it works. :)

Isaac had "bad cough-es" again today, but it felt a little more like he was playing us.  He got two pillows.  I read to him a little bit again but decided he was too awake and left.  He finally fell asleep a bit before 10.


betsy said...

The new playroom sounds like a great idea. Can't believe he's up that late with his cough! Hope he's better soon!

betsy said...

The new playroom sounds like a great idea. Can't believe he's up that late with his cough! Hope he's better soon!