Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday: carrots, cleaners, and characters

I got the normal sized carrots at the grocery store last time because I haven't been very happy with the last several bags of baby carrots that we've gotten.  So when Isaac surprisingly said that he wanted carrots, I pulled them out.  He loved them!  I think the longness was a large factor, although I think they also tasted a lot better than baby carrots too.  Even Joshua got in on the carrot action, and I've had a hard time with vegetables for him.

The carpet cleaners came today.  After several accidents on the carpet lately we decided it was time.  Some items are still in the rooms, but the furniture that is still needed or takes a large footprint we moved out.

We also finally finished our last library activity...writing letters in playdoh.  Isaac liked Os because he could punch them out.  So add a few lines and you get poop.  And it was hilarious.  Speaking of which, Isaac read "off" in a different context and know how to spell it when we were writing.


Zachary and Jennifer said...

Yeah, I haven't been happy with baby carrots either lately. Sometimes they are too wet and get slimy. Normal carrots are the better (and cheaper) choice!

betsy said...

I've noticed they're pretty wet lately too! Don't clean carpets feel great?! :)

betsy said...

I've noticed they're pretty wet lately too! Don't clean carpets feel great?! :)