Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday: birthday

Today was my birthday!  While I received many "happy birthdays" from people, I'm going to admit, it was a hard day.  I was feeling a bit grumpy (seriously, can't I keep a semi-clean house?) and Isaac has a cold and was also grumpy.  Let's review the reasons he cried today, because some of them are rather funny.  I did get a lot of cuddles from him though, and that was super nice.

1. Joshua hit him with a toy.  This might have been a valid reason; I wasn't in the room.
2. I stopped reading my book.
3. I wouldn't let him have my brown pillow and Ben didn't have a brown pillow.
4. Joshua hit him in the face.  A valid reason, but just a causality of playing.
5. I got the mail without him.  (He had come outside with me and then turned around because it was too bright.)
6. I wouldn't let him take a nap at 5:30pm.
7. I went outside without him to hang up one piece of laundry.

Those are the only ones I remember.  I feel like there should be at least one about not taking toys away from Joshua.


betsy said...

Sorry your birthday was rough! Did you do anything fun? I feel like I should've called you!

betsy said...

Sorry your birthday was rough! Did you do anything fun? I feel like I should've called you!