Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday: health update and pool

So last night the fever raged.  I needed ibuprofen and Tylenol before I got it under control.  In the past that has signaled the end of the problem.  Today, although I was fever free, I'm still sore so there's still a problem.  Maybe the antibiotics will work their magic.  One can hope, right?  Last time I went through this I kept getting a fever in the evening.  I haven't gotten one yet, but there is still time.

But, since I was feeling good enough to live life we went to the pool with Betsy and her kids.

These are the squirters.  The boys loved them.  Betsy and I felt like we kept yelling at the boys to behave with them.  It's not as though they were intentionally being mean with them, but it is such a strong squirt that it goes far out and can be hard to judge the direction.

The pre-toddlers sat in the shallow part for a bit and then were carried.  Joshua didn't move at all, which surprised me.  The water might have been a bit on the cold side for him.

We all came home and took naps that were too long...but it just meant that Ben got home all the sooner!

Update: surprise!  I do have a fever.  I thought I was slightly cold due to the A/C.  Feeling slightly odd, but really didn't expect to have a fever.  (I enjoy taking my temperature.  Isaac inherits that quality from me.)  Anyway, I took some Ibuprofen and we'll see how I'm doing at bed time.  Aren't you glad for these play-by-play details?? :p


betsy said...

Oh dear. Hot shower or bath with a lot of massage! I should've held Joshua and let you soak in the hot tub! Praying it's gone by tomorrow!

betsy said...

Oh dear. Hot shower or bath with a lot of massage! I should've held Joshua and let you soak in the hot tub! Praying it's gone by tomorrow!

Amy Worrel said...

Hope you got a good night's sleep and are feeling better today!