Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday: the Martian

Ben and I went to see the Martian today.  It was good.  Not quite as good as the book, of course, but still very good.  I think it helped that I had read the book though as I was able to fit a few things together to have them make more sense.

In other news, I picked out books for Isaac at the library yesterday since he was doing Legos.  One of them I got just because it was black, and we are told several times a day that "I like black."  Unsurprisingly, it is the new favorite book.  Luckily, it's a pretty good one.  Only the first page has words, but the rest of it is a Rube-Goldberg machine.

And Joshua...he's just been super cute.  After he does something that he's proud of he claps for himself.  So he'll stack two block and clap.  Then another block.  And clap.  And another block.  And clap.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday: library

We had our dishwasher fixed today.  They said they would come between 10 and 2.  To me, this means that they would be finished by 2...although I guess that's not technically what they said.  The guy showed up at 2:03, without making the call saying that he was on the way.  Sigh.  Not really a big deal, but it did mean that we didn't go anywhere in the morning and that can sometimes make for a long morning.  Especially since I didn't want the kitchen to get dirty.  (Side note: I put the gate up so that the boys couldn't throw things all over the floor.  It kind of bothered them and at one point Joshua tried lifting his foot so he could step over the gate.  All he managed to do was get his foot caught in the cross-bar.)

We did have to return some books to the library, so we did that after nap time.  And we ended up going at Lego play time.  It worked well; Isaac made a creation and Joshua brought me board books, one or two at a time.

They display the creations for a week.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday: updates

Nothing of note really happened today, so I thought I'd give some updates...

House flies: probably gone.  They were gone for about a week and then one showed up yesterday, but I got rid of it.

Fruit flies: going down but still present.  The traps aren't working as well, but I think it's because there are just fewer to trap.

Bed sheet elastic: worked very well.  The bottom of the sheet didn't move and happiness was restored to our marriage.  It felt slightly odd a few times, but overall not very noticeable.  The top quilt still moved around, but it also wasn't as bad as before.

Phone: I just started using a new phone.  I had to look a bit for an email app that I liked...but I haven't used it enough yet to know if I really like the app.  So far so good though.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday: naps

Joshua didn't sleep well last night.  The saddest part about this was that he decided to wake up just as I was going to go to sleep, so it meant that I was still able to think.  While thinking is good, I couldn't just crawl back in bed, turn the monitor off, and hope that would solve the problem as I was too awake.

Joshua then took a short nap in the carrier this morning while we were outside.  It was a beautiful day and Aunt C came by to help (err, do all of) the fall clean up.  Isaac and I putzed around, spray painting his Halloween costume, bringing some summer stuff into the garage, and just enjoying being outside.

Then, for nap time, everyone slept well.  Really well.  Joshua, who normally does 1-1.5 hours, slept for three!  Isaac took a nap too.  So that meant I also got a very nice nap and was actually the first one awake.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday: paper

We got a package in the mail today.  Isaac and Joshua proceeded to play with the paper.  This is probably one of the first times that they've played so much together.  And it is a good example of Joshua's walking...I've been wanting to get a video for a while.

In other news, it has been decided that Joshua is going to stay in the infant room at daycare for the rest of the year.  I'll admit that I was hoping they would move him to the older classroom, but it also seems as though they've thought about it.  He's not bored in the current classroom and there is someone else his age.  One reason they don't want to transition him is that we're only there for another two months.  While this seems like a lot of time to me, I also don't know how long it takes the kids to settle.  (I just hope that in a month they don't say, "oops!  He really needs to be moved now because of _____.")

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday: Joshua's first haircut

I gave Joshua a small haircut today.  I was just going to trim around the ears but then cut a bit off the back too.  I realized that he had a little mullet happening.

Here's the new haircut.  You can't really tell a difference from the front, but he was giving such a great smile!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday: kids

Isaac: Why does God want us to have a happy ending? [A question after reading our devotional]
Amanda: Because he really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really loves you.
Isaac looks pensive.  Amanda waits.
Isaac: Did Jesus have a flashlight?

I was washing Isaac's hair, which lately has felt like torture to him every time I got a drop of water on his eyes.  A few days ago I got some water in his eyes and he didn't go into a convulsive fit, so I was praising him.  His response?

"I'm getting bigger so I can do awesome things now."

Joshua now has a sign for more.  It is a single finger into a flat hand, nothing at all like the actual sign, but it works.  So this morning he kept saying more and then pointing to the cabinet...he wanted more graham cracker.