Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday: naps

Joshua didn't sleep well last night.  The saddest part about this was that he decided to wake up just as I was going to go to sleep, so it meant that I was still able to think.  While thinking is good, I couldn't just crawl back in bed, turn the monitor off, and hope that would solve the problem as I was too awake.

Joshua then took a short nap in the carrier this morning while we were outside.  It was a beautiful day and Aunt C came by to help (err, do all of) the fall clean up.  Isaac and I putzed around, spray painting his Halloween costume, bringing some summer stuff into the garage, and just enjoying being outside.

Then, for nap time, everyone slept well.  Really well.  Joshua, who normally does 1-1.5 hours, slept for three!  Isaac took a nap too.  So that meant I also got a very nice nap and was actually the first one awake.

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