Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday: 15 months

Joshua turned 15 months today.  To celebrate, he started saying "hi."

So let's see...

Eating: he's still eating medium well.  He eats table food fine, but I still have a hard time with vegetables.  Bread and graham crackers are a favorite.  He's nursing about three times a day.

Sleeping: He usually only takes one nap, but taking two isn't odd.  Even if he only takes one nap it is often only about an hour and a half.  He goes down for bed around 8pm, wakes up around 6am to nurse, and then goes back to sleep until about 7:30am.  He does a creaky door impression around midnight most nights, but often will go back to sleep.  I still get up with him an additional time at least twice a week.

Moving: He is now a full walker.  He's doing a great job and it's fun to see him wobbling around.  He has fewer and fewer falls every day though.

Talking: "ni-ni" (night-night) is probably one of the most common, although I'm pretty sure he also started saying "hi" tonight.  He can sign "more" and "all done" and "pick me up".  Those four words cover a lot of communication.

(It was orange day today.)

Interpersonal interactions: he still likes the immediate family, and sometimes prefers me and sometimes Ben.  Isaac can make him smile often, but Isaac also has odd rules that Joshua doesn't understand.  Maybe not so odd...things like Isaac can touch Joshua but Joshua can't touch Isaac.  Joshua is getting better with other people too.  Slowly but surely.

Playing: Joshua is a great player.  As mentioned before, he can stack things and likes to look at books and just amuses himself well.  A new favorite is to play with the bowls in the kitchen...I eat our animal magnets with a spoon.  But it always gets such a big grin from him that I happily have another boy who likes to feed me pretend food.(ok, ok...mostly happily. Isaac still feeds me pretend food all the time and I just don't get it.)  He has discovered the IPad and gets a little bit of time every week.

Uses: Joshua is starting to understand what things are used for...bowls and spoons for eating, quilts for pictures, phones for talking, combs for hair.  Above he had gotten off the quilt and then came back to it for more pictures.

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