Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday: Trick or treats and more!

Isaac decided to take a picture of the coasters today.

Then we had Joshua's 15 month well child visit.  He weighed 20 lbs 4 oz (14%) and measured 30.5" (24%).  Everything seemed fine except that his hemoglobin was still low.  I'm hoping it's because the first month we didn't use vitamins "with iron" because when I got the vitamins I didn't know it would be low and after I didn't realize there was a with and without iron.  It does surprise me a bit though, since for the past month we've been pretty good at taking them regularly...we miss maybe one day a week.  However, it must not be too low since we're not checking it again until his 18 month appointment.

We went Trick or Treating at Ethan's church.  Like last year.  It isn't cold and isn't too much candy.  I was a bit sad to see Isaac take several harder pieces of candy...he's ok with suckers, although they still get a little sticky, but I'm not sure how laffy taffy will do.  I guess we'll find out.

Isaac was a Lego Block.  A black one, of course.  With a candy holder brick too.  He couldn't hold the candy holder with both hands because the box was too big, so Ben and I ended up holding it.  However, Ben managed to fit into the box, so I expect that we have several years with this costume. :)

Joshua was Winnie-the-Pooh.  I'm hoping to get a better picture tomorrow to compare to Isaac in it.  The hat didn't stay on very long.

We went to Wendy's afterwards, and Ben was trying to spell something to me...

Ben: Should I give Isaac a s-t-r-a-w?
Amanda: s.....t........a.........can you spell it again?
Ben: s-t-r-a-w
Amanda: s.....t.......a......r......w....are you sure it ends in a w?

We were talking about it later, and spelling things for me just does not work.  My brain cannot process the words in any sort of timely manner.  Whenever Ben does it he can see my brain break and it's true!  I tend to just say things because I don't like being spelled at, but maybe I can spell a few more things because Ben actually can understand it.


betsy said...

Ha! I always have to speak things twice for Bryan too :). We went through Ethan and Leah's candy this morning and put all the hard ones in a bag to add to our shoe boxes for operation Christmas child. Laffy taffy was one we considered too hard here too!

betsy said...

That was supposed to say spell. Auto correct!!!! :-p

betsy said...

That was supposed to say spell. Auto correct!!!! :-p

betsy said...

Ha! I always have to speak things twice for Bryan too :). We went through Ethan and Leah's candy this morning and put all the hard ones in a bag to add to our shoe boxes for operation Christmas child. Laffy taffy was one we considered too hard here too!

Amy Worrel said...

I cannot process spelling at me either!! We tend to come up with more complicated words to describe what we're talking about. It will only work for so long. :)