I started by doing some work around the house. I'm slowly getting rid of some of the planters on the back deck because they're heavy and they only grow weeds. I found out today that one of them had three huge rocks in it. Why? It made the thing SO heavy when it needed to be moved. And it was large enough that it wasn't in danger of tipping over.
I then pretended that as long as the washing machine/dryer was running I was doing work and read my book.
We briefly went to the dojang for promotions. We all got new colors for our belts. I've heard red is hard...there are a lot of levels in it, but it is the last one before black.
Tonight Isaac and Joshua told me, in stereo, that they both sleep better when the other person is in the room. This has been the case for Joshua for a long time, but apparently Isaac has been having some bad dreams lately. (It's apparently going around. Ben complained of it a few days ago and I woke up three times last night due to bad dreams. I'll sometimes wake up once, but three is a bit much.) I think we're going to move Isaac's bed into Joshua's room and see how that goes for a bit. I don't want to be continually moving the bed, but I also see no reason not to let them sleep together as long as they can get good sleep.