Monday, September 7, 2020

Monday: normal

 It was a rather normal day today.

We had cleaned the basement yesterday, so the boys had put up a running course (immediately).  This morning as I was coming out of the bedroom I saw Joshua run downstairs in his swimsuit.  Then he yelled up, asking where his water shoes were.  I had kind of been hoping to ignore the swimsuit, but couldn't quite ignore the water shoes.  They know they shouldn't go to the beach without at least telling us, either.

It turned out that Isaac was adding a water feature to the course, and so when Joshua was on a certain pillow he got wet.

It wasn't as sopping wet as I feared, but it was wet enough to put in the sun to dry.  The carpet was relatively dry.  We had a discussion (for what seems like the second or third time this week) about how water causes damage to stuff easily.  I'm not holding my breath that it has sunk in yet.

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