Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday: masks

 Everyone is wearing masks at Hope.  It's good.  However, I've realized that I'm made assumptions about what the students look like under the mask and when I video chat with them they almost always look different.  It is a weird feeling.  Some faces get wider, some faces get narrower.  Ok, I haven't done a video chat with a ton of students, but enough that it's weird.

I'm giving a quiz tomorrow and it's turning into a small nightmare.  Out of 46 students, I think I'm up to eight (maybe nine?) that can't be in class or can't take it during class.  The plan that I had was good when I just needed to deal with a few students, and it isn't terrible for many students, but I think I need a different one for the next quiz.  The number ballooned rather quickly, catching me off guard.  (Please keep in mind that there are a large variety of reasons for the students to not be in class: they are not all COVID related.  I usually have at least two or three students that need to take it at another time.)

The other news is that Isaac signed his first check today.  It's next to a Lego set that he bought with some of the money and he and Joshua have been playing with it all day.

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