Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday: school

 Joshua had some reading on Epic today.  That is on the Ipad, so he finally got to use the comfy cozy spot in the classroom.

Isaac had a writing assignment that included places that he could write.  He really wanted to do it on the floor, so I let him this time.  Most of the time I've been making him sit at the desk, but there are always times to 'break' the rules.

Tornado (and Horizon) both felt the need to check out the chip cabinet this morning too.

Besides that, the rest of the day went fine.  The normal craziness, but it was a controlled chaos.  I even managed to trim a bush-tree that was hitting the house during windstorms after accusing Dad of not giving our tree cutters back.  He had.  I took them out of the car and put them in the wrong place.  I trimmed the bush-tree in time for yard waste pick up tomorrow, and then realized that due to Labor Day pick up isn't actually until Saturday.

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