Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday: absurd

On the only slightly absurd end of the spectrum today, Joshua made a s'more.  Except that it only had two mini marshmellows and a tiny amount of Nutella, so calling it a s'more was a stretch.  He enjoyed it though.

On the more absurd side, Isaac was making a small cup out of Legos.  He put some tape over the Legos to make it water-proof, but it had a small drip in it.  The tape was in his bedroom, so he went into his bedroom to fix it and realized he didn't want water in the cup anymore.  So he poured it on his carpet.  We have been having several water issues with Isaac lately, and every time I say that spilled water is going to ruin something if it isn't cleaned up.  Every time.  Sometimes I yell it.  This time I laughed it.  But I have said it over and over and over again.  His only saving grace was that he told me without me having to pull it out of him. 

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