Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday: by the numbers

Yesterday at bed time I had 101 items on my to-do list.  This is rather high, but I also had put all my weekly Wednesday items on it already - laundry, groceries, etc.

Today at bed time I have...99 items on the to-do list!  Oh my goodness.  Today it felt like for everything thing I did I put at least one thing on the list, and that was pretty accurate.  I also didn't finish nearly as much as I was hoping, so most of my "really fast" items are still on the list.

Oh well, I still got stuff done.  It just wasn't the stuff I was planning on.

Isaac was trying to trick the facial recognition on the laptop.  It still recognized him.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday: in the kitchen

 We had about an hour between getting home from school and going to rock climbing.  I had to get dinner ready.  The kids were trying to eat a filling snack and were blocking the way out of the kitchen.  So I sat down in the middle of the kitchen floor.  It hadn't really been a long day, but I talked more than normal during classes.  Isaac joined me, because when you do something funny he joins in.  So then Joshua joined in, because now sitting on the kitchen floor is cool.  Joshua was trying to stop eating the peanuts and having a hard time...he would have just one more.  I'm not really sure what we talked about, but it was the best part of my day.

There was a new 5.9 route up at rock climbing that I got on my second try, but boy was I tired afterwards!  I sat for several minutes, being happy that I made it.  About 2/3 of the way up I thought about quitting, but the next foot placement was solid enough to keep going.

Tomorrow I'm working on the normal Wednesday things, but also trying to get as many things off my to-do list as possible.  I've prioritized them by estimated length of time instead of importance like normal.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday: plot twists

 This morning I found Tornado on my chair when I started work.  He didn't stick around very long.  A bit later I got up for a five minute break and what do I find when I come back?  Tornado on my chair.

Later I found this on my ground turkey and thought it was a bit hilarious, so I texted it to a group of friends.

It seemed like a weird brag.  "3 larger LB size!"  33% more than the 2.25lb tray...what a weird thing to say.  Who sells 2.25lb trays?  Apparently Aldi/Kirkwood does!  I thought it was just a random fact that they put on for selling purposes.

Lastly, an actual plot twist.  The lab for this week has the x-axis in the horizontal direction, but there were some typos in the procedure such that sometimes the vertical axis was y and sometimes it was z.  So my co-teacher and I made a decision that twisted the plot for some of the steps.  (Hahahaha.  I've been waiting all afternoon for that one.)  In case you care, y is now vertical.  I was a bit intimidated by my co-teacher at first, but she's super nice.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday: laundry & rock show

I put down a basket of clean laundry next to Horizon.  He looked at it with disdain.  I agreed.

The boys and I went to a rock show this afternoon.  We went in the afternoon instead of the morning - it was a good choice as it wasn't as busy as last year.  There was a nice scavenger hunt and the kids enjoyed figuring out what to buy with the money that I gave them.

The scavenger hunt prize was some crack-you-own geodes.  Joshua's turned out really cool.  (He's saying "oooo" in the picture.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday: Operation Clean the House

Today I was purposeful about spending some time on Operation: Clean the House.  I had plenty of things I was supposed to do, but O:CtH makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing things, especially things that don't need to be done again the next week.  Anyway, I worked on the laundry room.  I cleared off the dryer, cleaned the inside of the washer, and mostly finished cleaning the cabinet.  I got rid of a bunch of random things along with several bottles.

I also used a coupon for a sleep over with three of Joshua's four stuffies.  I also got to sleep with Giraffe.

However, Creeper was really sad to be left out and gave me a coupon for a sleepover with him.  Note that Creeper is just learning how to write.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday: blog

Isaac's math class at Hope lets them stay for up to 45 minutes after the class to make homework corrections, get more help, or just hang out.  It's super nice for me because Joshua gets out a few minutes later than last year and it gives him a place to be until I get there.  I think I showed up about 10 minutes after class ended, and I was able to drop Joshua off at home.  It only adds a minute or two to the drive to go get Isaac, but let's Joshua not be in the car for at least 20 minutes.

Anyway, he had some minor homework corrections so he had time for those, and then he made a puzzle for his teacher.  It was a good one.

After rock climbing he asked me if I remembered that other puzzle that we worked on earlier in the summer, that a and b...  I immediately said yes!  I even blogged about it so we can read that to help remember.  Isaac seemed pretty happy about that.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday: lecture

 Stuff got done today.  Today is my boring weekly chore day, so I was happy that I was able to get a few other things done too - that doesn't always happen.

My arms are sore from rock climbing yesterday.  It's probably the first time I've actually been sore; Joshua worked me hard.

This evening Ben and I went to the Gentile lecture at Hope College.  It was given by one of the guys that he lived with senior year in Reese, Dr. Chris Avery.  It was interesting and not too one fell asleep. :D  But really, it was pretty interesting.  Afterwards we went to dinner with Andy and Natalie and that was really nice too.  It's nice to be able to leave the kids for a while, but Joshua was also really happy that we were back in time for books before bed.