Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday: lecture

 Stuff got done today.  Today is my boring weekly chore day, so I was happy that I was able to get a few other things done too - that doesn't always happen.

My arms are sore from rock climbing yesterday.  It's probably the first time I've actually been sore; Joshua worked me hard.

This evening Ben and I went to the Gentile lecture at Hope College.  It was given by one of the guys that he lived with senior year in Reese, Dr. Chris Avery.  It was interesting and not too one fell asleep. :D  But really, it was pretty interesting.  Afterwards we went to dinner with Andy and Natalie and that was really nice too.  It's nice to be able to leave the kids for a while, but Joshua was also really happy that we were back in time for books before bed.

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