Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday: rock climbing

Joshua and I climbed while Isaac was practicing with his team.  This was probably the best climbing session I've had with Joshua.  I felt like he helped me more than normal...

*We worked on the rock wall of the week - apparently it's a pretty easy one.  Well, neither of us got it but Joshua climbed the middle part really well and give me a bunch of tips.  I got zone and several times got farther than the last time.
*There was an auto belay that I could only get half way up.  I watched Joshua do it and got an idea for how to get a little farther.  I didn't get much farther because my arms were tired.
*Joshua convinced me to try a new route in the cave.  I flashed it!
*Joshua tried a few new routes on the auto-belay based on my recommendation and enjoyed them.

It's a slight running joke that Isaac and Joshua enjoy bouldering more than the belays and I enjoy the belays more and neither of us can understand the other.  We talked it out in the car and I like belays more because it isn't as scary to fall.  They don't like dealing with the harness and safety checks that come with the belays; they just want to climb.

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