Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday: plot twists

 This morning I found Tornado on my chair when I started work.  He didn't stick around very long.  A bit later I got up for a five minute break and what do I find when I come back?  Tornado on my chair.

Later I found this on my ground turkey and thought it was a bit hilarious, so I texted it to a group of friends.

It seemed like a weird brag.  "3 larger LB size!"  33% more than the 2.25lb tray...what a weird thing to say.  Who sells 2.25lb trays?  Apparently Aldi/Kirkwood does!  I thought it was just a random fact that they put on for selling purposes.

Lastly, an actual plot twist.  The lab for this week has the x-axis in the horizontal direction, but there were some typos in the procedure such that sometimes the vertical axis was y and sometimes it was z.  So my co-teacher and I made a decision that twisted the plot for some of the steps.  (Hahahaha.  I've been waiting all afternoon for that one.)  In case you care, y is now vertical.  I was a bit intimidated by my co-teacher at first, but she's super nice.

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