Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday: 300

Today was crazy busy, but otherwise fine.  I just finished the stuff I needed to get done, but it's now done.  I do expect that following weeks will be better, but the fact that the kids had Friday and Monday off along with it being the first week of college required some extra work.  I'm going to be optimistic about it at least.

We were all at rock climbing tonight - Isaac for dev team and Joshua to climb and me to climb and have a parent meeting.  Since we were going to be there a while, Joshua decided to climb one of the routes 300 times.  It isn't a high route, but 300 times is still a lot.  He climbed and then jumped off the top.  Half way through the time I told him his rate was a little slow and he needed to pick it up, and he did!  He was a ball of sweat that barely wanted to move when we left, but he was proud of himself.

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